Jul 262005

The Wife took The Boy to I-HOP yesterday as a break from a series of trips to Lowe’s and Home Depot to get supplies to finish off the flooring that’s been in the works since The Incident. Apparently, he inhaled a cheese omelet, sausage, bacon and a couple of pancakes, no doubt he’s about to have another growth spurt. The trip prompted two classic quotes from The Boy.

First, as The Wife tells it, the waitstaff at I-HOP were particularly perky yesterday morning. Their waitress greeted them, went through the usual offers of drinks and finished with the time-tested, “My name is <INSERT NAME HERE>. Just let me know if you need anything else.” After she left the table, The Boy piped up in a very matter of fact voice without a trace of sarcasm or irony, “That was nice of her to tell us her name.” What a sweet kid.

The second classic occurred in the car on the way home from I-HOP. The Wife reports hearing The Boy making sniffing sounds from the back seat and then declaring that his hands smelled like bacon. The Wife, thinking this was bothering him, told him that he could wash his hands when they got home. The Boy responded, “No, I LIKE it. I know! They should make bacon soap!”

 Posted by on July 26, 2005 at 3:06 pm

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