Apr 012011
Seven years after the Austin Metblog started, the Metroblogging network is shutting down. I was able to get the content that I created and import it into my own blog here so that it wouldn’t be lost. I haven’t been posting much here, so it’ll be a shot of content. If I remember correctly, it’s something like 500-600 posts.
If the site does go down completely, some of the images may be lost. I’m not sure that I’m motivated enough to go and fix that along with the internal links. I think I wrote some decent stuff over time, so I’m glad not to have lost it. Thanks to both Sean and Jason for starting it in the first place. I’ve met some pretty cool people through the site. I’m pretty sure that the original, Blogging LA, will continue on.
Actually all hope is not lost yet! I’m stepping in as the new CEO and am making some moves to not just keep the network online but re-vitalize it and bring in a lot more community features so not just the main authors can contribute but building a system where everyone can play and share. We’re doing some trials in LA now and tweaking it daily to see where things work and where they don’t. So wish me luck but I’m hoping we can save the baby this time around for good. AOL is making a big play with local with Patch so I think a little competition in the space will make us all better in the long run.