Apr 192005

As I’ve probably already mentioned, the rest of the family was in Dallas this past weekend. The Wife was attending a Kriya Yoga shindig and, since my parents are still there, the kids spent a fair amount of time at their place.

My mother took both kids to mass on with her. Now, I’m lapsed Catholic. When I was growing up, we went to church each Sunday, but other than that and the theology classes that I took in school, religion wasn’t really a part of our daily family life. Anyway, The Wife and I don’t currently attend church or expose the kids to much organized religion. The only current spiritual guidance they get is when they attend the Kriya events with The Wife. I’m having an internal debate about the ramifications of this, but that’s a whole ‘nother post.

At the mass that the kids attended, they called attention to a group of people who are in the process of becoming members of the church. This apparently spurred a discussion between The Boy and my mother about different religions. She explained to him that there were different religions like Judaism, Catholicism, Muslim, etc. After some discussion, The Boy proclaimed, “I know what I am! Texan!”

 Posted by on April 19, 2005 at 3:47 pm

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