Jan 112008

The local beer blogs are atwitter since Ft. Worth-based chain Flying Saucer opened up its first location in Austin last night in the Triangle near 47th and Lamar (see allowing development there brought us more beer!).

I’ve been to their location in Dallas and it was one of the only places that I could tolerate (other than the Gingerman location there). That being said, if you’re used to Draught House, Gingerman or Dog & Duck, you’re going to feel a little out of place at Flying Saucer. It definitely has more of a Dallas feel to it (I know Ft. Worth is like Dallas’s neglected little brother, but still). I don’t want to rip on the place since any place that offers up a good variety of beers is ok in my book.

I’ve been meaning to check out Mandola’s for months. Now that there are two destinations in The Triangle (does anyone else hear Twilight Zone music when they refer to that development?), I’m going to have to make a stop.

Image from Flying Saucer’s web site

 Posted by on January 11, 2008 at 4:19 pm

  2 Responses to “Flying Saucer Lands in Austin”

  1. Get the four-cheese pizza at Mandola’s. It’s to die for. And I say this as someone who’s not normally a cheese pizza kind of guy — I almost always require some dead animals on my pizza. But I’m physically incapable of walking into Mandola’s. I might also order something else, but I have to at least get the four-cheese to split with my kids.

  2. Whoops, that was supposed to say “incapable of walking into Mandola’s without ordering it.”

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