Blade Runner: The Final Cut is coming back to the Paramount for a third week, so if you missed it last month, you’ve got one more chance. It’s impossible to describe the influence of this film, particularly on my generation. I remember seeing it the first time in the summer of 1982 in a small two screen theater in Dallas. It had a huge impact on me.
I caught it on the first run at the Paramount and it’s a must see. I don’t care if you saw it when it was originally released or if you already saw the director’s cut or if you own one of the many versions on DVD. Go see it at the Paramount on the big screen. There are subtle differences to this cut and I do think they’ve finally gotten it right. You won’t be disappointed.
Show Times:
January 16-20
Wed-Fri @ 7:30 pm | Sat @ 4:30, 7 & 9:30 pm | Sun @ 2, 4:30 & 7 pm
Purchase Tickets Online or at the Paramount Theatre Box Office on the day of show.
I saw it first time around, in a near-empty house. At the time, I think it drew mostly fans of Philip K. Dick. The production design is unforgettable and has had a tremendous influence down through the years. All apart from the cinematic qualities and the acting, it’s one of those gripping yarns. It truly does demand to be seen on a big screen.
Wait! Wait!
I CAN’T have missed it a THIRD time! Play it again, please!
It came to the Paramount on my 18th birthday. I was in town but I didn’t get to go. One of my all time favorite movies and missing it was one of my greatest regrets in life.
Sniff. And I missed it again. 🙁 How does that keep happening?