Jan 142003

I’m not usually one to talk politics. It usually degenerates into a debate that goes nowhere as most people are set in their views and unwilling to concede to any other opinion. Current events, however, are moving me to be a little more vocal. I realize that actions speak louder than words, but it’s a little harder to act with a 4-year-old and a three-month-old in the house. Since a web site is potentially the most public place to voice an opinion, assuming, of course, that “public” is defined as people who have Internet access and are motivated to actually find and read your site (which amounts to about 10 people in my case), I thought I’d do a quick post.

I’m against the apparently inevitable invasion of Iraq. While it’s clear that Saddam deserves to be ousted, it’s not prudent for the US to do it alone and, to my mind, there’s still not enough evidence to justify a forced regime change. I realize that I won’t be getting visit from Condi Rice or Colin Powell to explain to me personally whatever intelligence they mave have, but if no other nation in the world is willing to back us up, we’re just asking for trouble down the road.

I keep coming back to Bush’s speech in 2001 and the “Axis of evil” statement. As of yesterday, indications from North Korea are that part of the reason that they’ve started the nuclear crisis is because of those comments. They’re basically trying to force us into a non-aggression agreement with them because they figure that after we’re done bombing the crap out of Saddam, they’re next. By the way, all this talk about bombing reminds me of George Carlin’s hilarious routine about war. It loses a little without his delivery, but there’s a transcript here.

On the domestic front, the new Bush economic plan is ridiculous. I’ll save myself some time and link to a RealAudio stream (you’ll need to download the free player if you don’t have it already) of Kevin Phillips’ commentary on Morning Edition yesterday morning. Right on.

 Posted by on January 14, 2003 at 7:38 pm

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