May 112006

The “Internets” are abuzz with new revelations about NSA snooping and then there’s this story about the government abruptly ending a probe into the first revelation of NSA snooping. And, of course, Bushie has nominated the guy who was in charge at the NSA to head the CIA.

Let me be clear. I’m not willing to allow the NSA in cahoots with AT&T and most of the other telecom companies to break the law and make 1984 a reality to protect me from the remote possibility that a wacko terrorist might try to off me. This does not mean that I’m “for the terrorists”. It means that I’m not willing to make a massive trade-off in civil liberties and trust an administration that’s done nothing to warrant it that they won’t use the information for other purposes. Don’t make me pull out the classic Hermann Goering quote.

Update: Looks like AG Gonzales lied about the NSA program. Good thing he refused to testify under oath.

[tags]nsa, tia, at&t, bigbrother, 1984, goering, bush[/tags]

 Posted by on May 11, 2006 at 9:52 am

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