Sep 132006
There were tons of opinions and articles written over the last week to coincide with the 5 year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. I posted something of my own on the Austin Metblog. My posting setup does a decent job of echoing links now, so I’d like to try and avoid that, but here’s the best of what I saw this past week.
- Mahablog links the transcript and video of Keith Olbermann’s commentary.
- This Modern World comments on that commentary and points out the Twilight Zone reference. Awesome.
- Washington Post article on the still-at-large Osama Bin Laden
- Matt Lauer grows a pair and confronts Bush on his policies.
- NY Times’s Paul Krugman on Promises Not Kept
[…] I wonder if she’ll ever get it back. I’m not going to post much because I think I covered it pretty well last […]