Dec 152003

The 1 or 2 readers of this blog will recall that I’ve railed about senior citizen drivers and how they should have annual mandatory testing to keep their licenses. You’ll find it amusing then that we were hit by an elderly driver on the way home from the grocery store last night. The whole family was in the car and no one was injured. My pristine, never-been-in-an accident, four-and-a-half-year-old, almost paid-off car, however, looks like this. I won’t go into the gory details, but it was clearly the other guy’s fault and he admitted as much at the scene. We also have a witness who gave us his name and phone number. It’s a little odd in that the guy has insurance and driver’s license from Arizona, also lives part of the year here in Austin and was driving a rental car from San Antonio at the time. I get to deal with insurance mess for the rest of the week and Mary gets to play chauffeur for at least today and possibly tomorrow until I can get his insurance company to approve a rental. They still have to get his side of the story. Joy. Happy Birthday to me.

 Posted by on December 15, 2003 at 6:09 pm

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