Aug 272004

From MTV News:

A Perfect Circle plan to release a collection of songs on Election Day about war, peace, love and greed. eMOTIVe will feature new material as well as covers of John Lennon’s “Imagine,” Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On” and Fear’s “Let’s Have a War.” One of the new songs, “Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums,” will coincide with an animated video poking fun at Bush. “Remember, every single vote counts,” singer Maynard James Keenan said in a statement Thursday (August 26). “It is important for us all to engage this political system and to be conscious of who is being chosen to speak for us. If you choose not to be involved with decisions that affect your life on a daily basis, in our opinion, you forfeit your right to complain about it later. Think for yourself. Question authority.”

 Posted by on August 27, 2004 at 2:44 pm

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