May 172006

I posted last week that it appear that AG Gonzales lied at his NSA hearings. Well, this week, Wolf Blitzer asked him about his grandparents, three out of four of whom were born in Mexico, and wanted to know if they were legally documented when they came to the U.S.. Gonzales’s answer?

You know, it’s unclear. It’s unclear. And I’ve looked at this issue, I’ve talked to my parents about it, and it’s just not clear.

Yeah, right. What a load of shit. He doesn’t know how his grandparents got here. Let’s have a quick poll. How many people in whole goddamn country who’re still in contact with their family don’t know how their parents, grandparents or great-grandparents arrived in the U.S.? I’m guessing it’s almost no one. Hell, my mother was adopted and only recently found her birth mother. I had an excuse for half of my family until recently and now even I fucking know. If Gonzales had any shred of honesty, he’d admit that they were illegal and then use that to speak about how he’s glad that we’re addressing the reasons why they did so. And if they weren’t illegal, they why the fuck wouldn’t he just say so? What a douche.

[tags]albertogonzales, immigration, attorneygeneral, cnn, wolfblitzer, liar[/tags]

 Posted by on May 17, 2006 at 10:52 am

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