Apr 152008

46995365_6a10e06e90_mI tried to perpetuate the rumor that Prince might play ACL this year. As I’m sure everyone is aware by now, the lineup was released today and we got Foo Fighters instead.

I must say that it appears that the ACL organizers are listening to feedback. The festival is the latest in the year it’s been and this is the best mix of bands in the last few years. I’m still just going to buy a 1 Day pass and try to catch some of the side shows this year though. Foo Fighters are a good choice for headliner. They crossed over to arena rock level with the last tour. I’m not that interested in fighting the ACL headliner crowds to see them.

I’m sure you’re dying to hear my opinion so here’s the names that I’ll pull out of the lineup:

Mates of State – Husband and wife duo that I saw at Fun Fun Fun Fest.

M. Ward – I’d check him out though I wish he were with Zooey Deschanel doing She and Him instead.

MGMT – A little too electronic for me, but lots of people dig them.

Man Man – Caught them at SXSW this year. I’d see them again. Crazy stuff. I still need to post a review.

Vampire Weekend – They were the darlings of this year’s SXSW. Now you have a chance to see them.

Against Me! – No doubt to quell the complaints of the lack of harder stuff and the advanced age of most of the ACL artists in past festivals

Silversun Pickups – I’ve heard they’re better live than in recordings.

Gogol Bordello – They also made a splash at SXSW several years ago. You should’ve caught them at Emo’s, but they’ll still be fun at ACL.

Erykah Badu – She’s amazing. Again, glad to see they’re branching out a bit from the typical ACL fare.

N.E.R.D – See above.

Raconteurs – Rocked it at ACL two years ago and we don’t have to worry about Meg White ruining the whole thing and canceling it.

Mars Volta – I loved At The Drive-In and the first two Mars Volta records. They lost me with Amputechture and I haven’t even checked out the new one. Stiil would be worth checking out if you missed them last week.

Beck – Still kicking myself for missing his SXSW performance in, what was it? 1993? 1994? Should be good.

Who’re you going to see?

 Posted by on April 15, 2008 at 10:28 am
Apr 102008

Guanabee (via Austin Soundcheck) is starting a rumor that Prince might be playing ACL this year based on his recent addition to the Coachella lineup and that they claim to hear Prince in the Car Stereo (Wars) teaser mashup of ACL artists that was released earlier this week. I can hear Gnarls Barkley, Silversun Pickups and Raconteurs in there among others, but nothing jumps out at me as a Prince track. Just because The Purple One is playing one major festival this summer doesn’t mean he’s playing others.

However, I’ll add that Prince has had locals Groupo Fantasma as his backing band on more than one occasion and he did play a private party at The Belmont last year, so he’s got Austin ties these days. Maybe it’s not so far fetched. We only have to wait 5 more days to find out for sure.

 Posted by on April 10, 2008 at 3:08 pm
Apr 062008

I tried to stop at P. Terry’s on Friday after work to pick up dinner for the kids and I, but was thwarted by APD and crime scene tape. Josephine St. was blocked off at Barton Springs Rd. and Butler Rd. was blocked off at Lamar Blvd. along with tape all around the perimeter of P. Terry’s. I could see a couple of employees inside the burger stand and several standing around in the parking lot. I checked the Statesman for the last two days and didn’t see anything. Does anybody know what happened? 

I was really annoyed that they weren’t open as I had my heart set on one of their burgers with jalapenos. I hope no one was hurt.

I got even more annoyed when I got to South Congress at Riverside. I started to turn south to find an alternative to P. Terry’s only to run into a mass of stopped traffic because of the hot rod rally. I ended up hooking into the parking lot of Freebird’s to get back to Riverside and head east to avoid the traffic problems. Speaking of the hot rod shenanigans, The Statesman ran a nice article on Steve Wertheimer and the Continental Club on Saturday.

 Posted by on April 6, 2008 at 11:12 pm
Apr 062008

I was lucky enough to get a day pass for Monday’s panels at SXSW Interactive. I’ve been meaning to post this for a couple of weeks, but both of my kids picked up some sort of stomach flu and then I came down with the SXSW Plague, aka SXSARS. I attended five panels that day:

Before I get to the recap of the panels that I attended, I thought I’d highlight some general things about SXSWi this year. The big news that’s already been hashed to death was the audience revolt during the Mark Zuckerberg interview. Apparently, the Frank Warren (PostSecret) keynote was pretty good. Zappos gets the marketing genius award for being prescient enough to hand out ponchos during a downpour around lunch time. At one point as I walked to Taco Shack for a quick lunch, nearly every single person within sight downtown was a walking advertisement for Zappos. Sorry, didn’t get a shot of it, but there are plenty of photos on Flickr.

Oh, the parties. I did manage to make one or two of the insane number of parties. I went to the Laughing Squid / blip.tv thing on Friday night. It was completely packed with people overflowing into the Tap Room (formerly B Side). I attended the Frog Design Party on Saturday night. There was plenty of space there with the outdoor bars and performances. I caught a couple of songs with Groupo Fantasma. The bar lines were long throughout the night with people throwing down mixed drinks and green beer. I’m assuming the green was for frog and not an early nod to St. Patrick’s Day. I was turned away like many others by the massive line at the 16bit party at Scoot Inn. Apparently, the capacity had shrunk since booking the event. I returned to the Scoot Inn later in the week for the music festival and thoroughly enjoyed myself however (more on that later). We had the Metroblogging Meetup at Rio Rita on Sunday.

I brought my 9 year old to ScreenBurn Arcade on Sunday as well. It was all Guitar Hero and Rock Band this year . Dell had a bunch of real guitars modded to play guitar hero. The Boy also got a chance to play Smash Bros. Brawl on the Wii which had just been released that day.

Check out the panel notes with photos after the jump.

Continue reading »

 Posted by on April 6, 2008 at 10:51 pm
Mar 252008

There have been several local news reports,  KUT and News8Austin among them, about the Austin High School Jazz Band headed to NYC for the Essentially Ellington High School Jazz Band Competition and Festival at Lincoln Center in May. They’re having a fundraising concert tonight at 7pm at the Austin High School Performing Arts Center.

The KUT report was amusing in that one of the teen musicians mentions that he recognized one of the Ellington numbers from a cereal commercial. I’m guessing that’s how most kids get introduced to big band these days: commercials or cartoons. UT had an excellent jazz appreciation class when I was there in the late 80s / early 90s taught by Jeff Hellmer. The History of Rock N Roll class always gets all of the press, but I highly recommend taking Hellmer’s Jazz Appreciation class if you have the chance. They’re both under the same course heading: MUS 307 – Topics in Popular Music. I’m not sure if Hellmer still teaches the class or not.

And go support the Austin High kids tonight. It’s a very cool opportunity.

 Posted by on March 25, 2008 at 11:24 am