May 212008

rem_aclAustin City Limits is launching a new newsletter with a contest. You can win tickets to a My Morning Jacket taping on Monday, August 25th. If you don’t live in Austin, they’ll fly you here via American Airlines. If you’re not a big My Morning Jacket fan (and I’m not), there’s still an incentive to join the mailing list to get info on ticket and contest announcements. The signup page is here.

Also, don’t forget that the REM episode taped during this year’s SXSW will air this Saturday, March 24th at 7pm locally on KLRU. The set list appears to be heavy on the new album with almost nothing before 1990 on the set list. “Bad Day” is apparently a b-side and my pre-date Losing My Religion, but I’m not sure. Otherwise, there’s not much there for die-hard 80s REM fans.

PS Note to ACL people, why bury a banner ad for the episode in a Flash animation? Make it easy for people like me to get the image to plug the show. Don’t make me take a screen shot and then crop it myself.

 Posted by on May 21, 2008 at 11:27 am
May 152008

Andy Langer of KGSR, Esquire and formerly of 101X’s Next Big Thing,  joins Jason and Deb on Thursday mornings to talk about upcoming shows and music. There were two very interesting revelations this morning:

  1. idol_logoLanger claims that he interviewed Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top on Tuesday as a promo for their gig tonight at The Backyard. During that discussion, Gibbons revealed that he would be playing at the American Idol finale next week and also specified that he’d be playing with finalist David Cook. Langer seemed to imply that this meant that the winner of American Idol had already been decided as of Tuesday night when there were still 3 contestants remaining. Not sure if he misinterpreted it or if they’re just hedging their bets. I wouldn’t be surprised if the show is fixed, but it seems odd that he could be so blatant about revealing it.
  2. full23 He also revealed that the Foxboro Hot Tubs, Green Day’s side project, will be playing Emo’s next Thursday, something Jason just heard last night and was apparently debating about revealing. I guess this isn’t a particularly large scoop since their site and MySpace page list tour dates and include the Emo’s date. They only sell tickets to these shows the day of the event at the venue and it’s a limit of two per person at $20 each. The Emo’s calendar says doors are at 8pm, so I’m guessing that’s the earliest that you can buy tickets. If you’ve ever wanted to see the guys from Green Day playing in a small venue and missed your chance back in the early 90s, you’ve got another chance a week from today. Granted, they’re playing Foxboro Hot Tubs songs, but it doesn’t sound all that different from Green Day, so it’s pretty much the same thing, isn’t it?
 Posted by on May 15, 2008 at 11:36 am
May 152008

We heard the wind around midnight. No hail for us. A large cottonwood branch nearly took out the minivan, but only chipped a bit of paint on a side view mirror; its smaller brethren littered the yard and the tops of both cars. The loudest thing before that was the storm warning that blared out over the TV as we watched My Name is Earl on the DVR. I think Time Warner can tone down that notice a bit.

As of my commute time about an hour ago, the light at Barton Springs and Robert E Lee was completely out with no traffic cop in sight. Cars on Robert E Lee were backed up for quite a distance. Once I got to the intersection, I found an accident with an ambulance and fire engine, but no police car? Very odd. A downed tree took out a section of the fence at Umlauf. It looks like they’ll be doing a lot of cleanup today. Power is out for at least part of the Zilker neighborhood. Leaves and small branches littered most of the streets that I drove.

It was hard to tell, but it looks like there might have been a fire somewhere between Far West and 183 west of Mopac? I haven’t seen any news to corroborate that, but there appeared to be smoke mixed in with the clouds.

Update: Reports from C., the Statesman and Austinist as well.

Update 2 (2008.05.15 17:18 CDT): Some people may be without power until sometime Saturday. Ouch.

 Posted by on May 15, 2008 at 9:01 am
May 052008

Is that title too long to catch on? My morning troll through news feeds brought up two things that I think are somewhat related and that I want to highlight.

Today is the 83rd anniversary of the day that John Scopes was arrested in Dayton, TN for teaching Darwin’s theory of evolution to his high school biology class. Until roughly 8 years ago, I would’ve told you that we’d made significant progress since that day and that we were still making progress. Now, in 2008, I’d say that we’ve backslid because of a culture of ignorance, a president who shows no intellectual curiosity whatsoever, stories like this. and movies like this. 83 years later, it’s not safe to take a deep breath. We still have to fight against ignorance.

Also in the news today, Mildred Loving has died. She and her husband, Richard, were the couple behind the 1967 Supreme Court case that overturned many state laws banning mixed race marriages. Until then, it would’ve been illegal for my wife and I to get married in Texas and fifteen other states. My parents were married that year and my wife’s parents were married two years later. My parents were not mixed race, while my wife’s were. My in-laws encountered a lot of resistance at the time that they were married though they were in Minnesota, a state that never had any restrictions on interracial marriage. Loving Day is coming up on June 12. It’s amazing that only 40 years have passed since then, only a bit longer than my own lifetime. Thankfully, we haven’t backslid here as far as I can tell, but it’s still important to remember things like this, especially in light of the same-sex marriage debate that rages today.

I suppose it’s not surprising that the same people who want to put science back in 1925 also want to perpetuate the same ignorance with same sex marriages that existed in 1967 for mixed race marriages. Maybe McCain should just promise his constituents a time machine and be done with it.

May 022008

According to the Dreamhost people, my WordPress install got hacked. I tried upgrading from 2.5 to 2.5.1 today and even though their install bot claimed that I’d upgraded, everything in WordPress still said I was on 2.5. I’m not sure if the hack that was exploited was the one fixed in 2.5.1, but now everything’s borked and I’m back to the default theme. It’s going to take me some time to get everything customized again. Sigh.

May 012008
Barton Springs & S. 1st Clusterfsck 

I ran into a ton of traffic on the way to work this morning. Both South Congress and South First were a mess going north and I couldn’t figure out why. I even took a picture of Barton Springs and South First since it took me several lights to get through the jerkoffs who were blocking the intersection during light changes.

Turns out there’s a water main break at Lavaca and Fifth street and the northbound lanes of Lavaca are closed causing traffic problems all around downtown and just across the river.


 Posted by on May 1, 2008 at 11:13 am
Apr 262008

I’m with C., this is really ridiculous. If I’m reading this right, then Congress Avenue is closed from 10th Street to Oltorf from 7am to 5pm today along with Oltorf between Congress and South First? That’s only two entries on a page that you have to scroll because there’s so many closed street listings. And would it kill them to include a map?

Last weekend saw much reported problems for people trying to get to the Long Center.

Forget trying to go down Lamar near 15th either with Eeyore’s going on today. It seems like Austin always packs way too much on the last two weekends in April, trying to take advantage of the mild weather before we all start baking.

 Posted by on April 26, 2008 at 9:23 am
Apr 252008

acl_pinetopI was very fortunate to attend an Austin City Limits taping on Sunday evening. This was my third in the past ten years. I saw Roky Erickson last November and got to see Hank Thompson & Ray Price with Junior Brown in 1999. I seem to have a knack for catching legendary musicians late in their careers.

This time it was “Pinetop” Perkins and Bettye LaVette. Ninety-five year old Perkins was up first. He arrived at the stage in a wheelchair and was helped up onto it by an ACL employee. He made it across the stage on his own and seated himself at the piano wearing an impressive red suit and hat. The backing band consisted of many local veteran musicians including Chris Layton, Mark “Kaz” Kazanoff, Gary Clark Jr. and also included another Blues legend, Willie “Big Eyes” Smith, on harmonica. “Big Eyes” has played with “Pinetop” Perkins for many years both on drums and harmonica. I didn’t know this until I started checking him out after the show, but they were both in Muddy Waters band and formed their own Legendary Blues Band, appearing behind John Lee Hooker in The Blues Brothers. Wikipedia claims he’s the only other musician shown clearly on camera in that scene. Time to go check out The Blues Brothers again. KUT did an award winning documentary on Perkins last summer. It was kind of hard to hear Perkins over the band. They turned up his mike after the first song. He’s definitely showing his age, something to be expected at 95, but it was definitely a honor to be able to see him play, one of, if not the, last boogie woogie piano players. In a really weird coincidence, “Down in Mississippi” came on the stereo in the coffee shop where I’m working this morning.

Here’s the set list:


Bettye LaVette was up next after a long intermission between bands.

Continue reading »

 Posted by on April 25, 2008 at 10:55 am
Apr 232008

2280200328_88f9f4d5c1Austinite Terrence Malick’s latest, Tree of Life, has been filming in here since February.

The Wife was in the GNC in Sunset Valley a couple of weeks ago and was told by one of the clerks that she had just missed Brad Pitt.

Today, she’s at ABIA heading out of town and spotted Sean Penn who she described as “taller than I thought”. I told her to tell him that she loves Bad Boys (no, not the one with Martin Lawrence and Will Smith) & Fast Times and to give him props for his appearance on the “Fort Knoxville” episode of Viva La Bam. We won’t speak of I Am Sam, Shanghai Surprise or the overacting in Mystic River. Penn also had a small part in Malick’s last film, The Thin Red Line, along with a ton of other well known actors.

Matt Dentler, who just recently moved on from doing the programming for SXSW Flim. blogged last year about an unexpected dinner with Malick that also included Richard Linklater and Francis Ford Coppola at Vespaio. Malick also produced the documentary about development and Barton Springs, The Unforeseen, which is currently playing at Alamo South Lamar (and mentioned earlier this week on this blog).

Aloha, Mr. Hand.

 Posted by on April 23, 2008 at 3:16 pm