Jun 102002

We spent the weekend in Dallas for my dad’s 59th birthday. The Wife and I each had our own agendas in addition to the birthday festivities. She wanted to go to a meditation seminar there on Sunday and I wanted to see Star Wars: Episode 2 at the digital projection theater in Plano. I was also hoping that I might catch UltimateX (highlights from X Games 2001 in Philadelphia) at the IMAX theater there since it doesn’t appear that it’s going to come to Austin. We both accomplished our missions. I took The Boy along to the UltimateX showing, but he didn’t go to Star Wars as we thought it might be a little overwhelming (not that the UltimateX movie wasn’t).

You can check out my review of Ep. 2 here. I’ll post a new picture of the week from the Dallas festivities tonight when I get home.

 Posted by on June 10, 2002 at 7:56 pm

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