Nov 172003

We headed to Wink Saturday night for a belated birthday celebration for Mary. As always, the food, wine and service were sublime. This is the best restaurant in town without a doubt.

We followed dinner with a stop at 219 West. The review is pretty accurate. It’s a nice place full of the type of people that I’m not generally interested in being around. We were there early enough that we had the scotch area pretty much to ourselves, so it wasn’t too bad. The service and drinks were good and it was quiet enough that we were able to talk.

We ended the night by taking a cab over to Casino El Camino where it became apparent that I had overestimated my current tolerance. We’ve been going out less and less over the past year and I’ve definitely been relegated to the third string when it comes to a long evening of drinking. Taking the second cab of the night home meant that Mary had to drive the babysitter home while I passed out on the bed. Not quite the way that I had intended the birthday night to end. Poor Mary. I spent most of yesterday nursing myself back to some semblence of normal and we paid a visit to deliver dinner to the Shackelfords who recently had twin boys.

I’ll post more pictures from Wurstfest tonight.

 Posted by on November 17, 2003 at 9:34 pm

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