May 182006

I couldn’t pass this up. I went and got a little more of the quote from the press briefing for context:

Q Okay. But, I mean, maybe it was a terrific meeting. As far as I can tell, that has not stopped Republicans, particularly in the House, from going gangbusters against this President before they’ve had a chance to read everything, as you say they should do.

MR. SNOW: Well, as I pointed out — I mentioned this yesterday, and for — let me see if I can find my quote, because I pulled it out. Chuck Hagel, as you may recall, made a fair amount of news over the weekend when he first said that — let’s see — “Well, I want to listen to the details and I want to listen to the President,” said Senator Hagel — he said this on “This Week” on a competing network. But I would say this: I think we have to be very careful here. That’s not the role of our military, that’s not the role of our National Guard.” That’s what Senator Hagel said on Sunday.

Poor Tony Snow, working for Fox News long enough to view all of the other media outlets (This Week with George Stephanopoulos is on ABC) as competition. This is all still just too surreal.

[tags]tonysnow, foxnews, abcthisweek, staterunmedia, slipup[/tags]

 Posted by on May 18, 2006 at 8:45 am

  One Response to “White House News Network”

  1. Dear ttrentham,

    OK, so I guess that means that he is STILL working for Fox, or was it CNN? I can’t tell anymore these days. I am impressed that all three…FOX, CNN and MSNBC have the uncanny ability to send the same meme at the exact same time on all three channels. Nice synergy there.

    I don’t watch the news anymore, I get all of my news from the homeless guy on the corner. At least he doesn’t have anything to gain by continuing to lie to me.


    Keith “Fed up with it all” Coogan

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