May 012008
Barton Springs & S. 1st Clusterfsck 

I ran into a ton of traffic on the way to work this morning. Both South Congress and South First were a mess going north and I couldn’t figure out why. I even took a picture of Barton Springs and South First since it took me several lights to get through the jerkoffs who were blocking the intersection during light changes.

Turns out there’s a water main break at Lavaca and Fifth street and the northbound lanes of Lavaca are closed causing traffic problems all around downtown and just across the river.


 Posted by on May 1, 2008 at 11:13 am

  2 Responses to “Water Main Break at Lavaca and Fifth”

  1. It has not only impacted traffic but some downtown workers. There are about 10 people from a downtown office at Cafe Caffeine this morning because there is no water in their building.

  2. That’s the second water main break in that general area (South First between Fifth and Oltorf) this week.

    Can you say aging infrastructure?

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