Jan 312006

Our lawnmower died at the end of the summer last year. It gave 7 or 8 years of service and will be missed. I put off getting a replacement until the Spring and I’m glad that I did after reading this story. I’m buying a Snapper. Coincidentally, I heard this story on the way home from work today. I don’t ever shop at Wal-Mart. I don’t like it. I’d love to stop shopping at Sam’s Club if Costco would get their act together and start carrying an essential staple without which I cannot function (apologies in advance for their flash-based, window-resizing nightmare of a site).

 Posted by on January 31, 2006 at 10:11 pm

  3 Responses to “Vote with your wallet”

  1. Take a look a this cool non-fossil fuel lawnmover. Plus there is the benefit of yummy mutton when the grass groving season is over!

  2. Sam’s Club *is* Wal-Mart.

  3. Yes, they’re two different store chains owned by the same company. I don’t go to Wal-Mart. I do go to Sam’s. I’d love to stop shopping at Sam’s, but as I mentioned, they carry something that I’m hopelessly addicted to. If you’re trying to point out that I’m contradicting myself, you’re right. My addiction overrides my principles in that case.

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