May 312005

Wow, that wasn’t a very relaxing Memorial Day weekend.

We drove to Dallas to say farewell to the house my parents have lived in since the summer of 1975 (or was it 1976?). Anyway, they’re selling the place and moving to Oklahoma of all places. It’s a long story. We rented a truck yesterday and hauled a few things back with us since my parents’ new place is a bit smaller. Loading up a truck, driving from Dallas to Austin, then unloading and returning the truck makes for quite a long day. I hadn’t done that in quite some time and I can’t say that I missed it. On top of moving stuff from Dallas, work is very busy right now. I’m just not feeling the start of summer. Perhaps later this month I’ll have a bit of breathing room.

 Posted by on May 31, 2005 at 5:27 pm

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