The UT Campus Watch newsletter from UTPD has released their best crime stories of 2006. There’re an awful lot of ties, which kind of defeats the purpose making it a top ten, but who am I to argue?
Enjoy the results after the jump. Drum roll please. Number 10…
Number 10, (3-way tie)
ASHBELL SMITH HALL, 201 West 7th Street
Assist Outside Agency: A UT police officer was summoned to investigate a report of a disturbance. Upon arrival, the officers found two non-UT subjects who had been involved in an argument regarding one of the subjects following the other subject as he walked around the downtown area. The subject who was following the other was found to have an outstanding outside agency arrest warrant for public intoxication. Of course that meant he could no longer follow the first subject. Occurred on 01-04-06 at 8:49 PM.
JESTER CENTER EAST, 203 East 21st Street
Public Intoxication: A UT student, who was under the age o f 21, was found “slouched over in a chair” that was located in the lobby of the dormitory. The student rambled on for some time. The student was not aware of his location and stated he believed he was in Pflugerville, Texas. At one point the student stated he was “in another realm.” The student was found to be under the influence of an alcoholic beverage to the point he was a physical endangerment to himself. While walking to a patrol car, the student stated he believed he needed to exhibit an extreme involuntary physical reaction to the over-consumption of an alcoholic beverage. Upon walking the student to an area where he could perform this reaction, he asked one of the officers to unzip his britches. The police will provide a variety of services…this is not one of them. Occurred on 01-31-06 at 11:30 PM.
300 WEST 24th STREET
Driving While Intoxicated: A non-UT subject was stopped for speeding (65 MPH in a 30 MPH zone) and striking a curb while driving a 1990 Honda 2-door. The subject asked the stopping officer if he “was a city cop.” Upon hearing the officer’s answer, the subject stated “you’re not the real cops” and attempted to drive away. The subject realized the authenticity of the officer’s position when he was found to be under the influence of an alcoholic beverage to the point he had been driving while intoxicated. Occurred on 02-01-06 at 12:20 AM.
Number 9
Public Intoxication: A non-UT subject was observed falling down on two occasions while carrying a pizza box. The subject stated he was “body slamming” the pizza box. The subject stated he was not sure how much he had to drink, as he stopped counting after his 4th beer. The subject was found to be under the influence of an alcoholic beverage to the point he was a physical endangerment to himself – not to mention the defenseless pizza box. Occurred on 02-27-06 at 2:24 AM.
Number 8
200 WEST 21st STREET
Driving While Intoxicated / Public Intoxication / Possession of More Than One Driver License: A non-UT subject, who was under the age of 21, was observed driving a red Chevrolet pick-up truck at a very slow rate of speed. While driving, a second non-UT subject ran towards the truck and physically collided with the rear of the truck. The driver of the truck stated he was in the area to pick-up his friends, as they “were too drunk.” The driver of the truck was found to be under the influence of an alcoholic beverage to the point he was driving while intoxicated. The driver was also found to be in possession of another’s driver license. The runner with the depth perception issues, was found to be under the influence of an alcoholic beverage to the point he was a physical endangerment to himself. Occurred on 03-17-06 at 3:09 AM.
Number 7, (tied)
Consumption of Alcohol by a Minor: A UT Officer was flagged down by a UT student, who was under the age of 21. The student thought the police car was a taxi cab. The student was found to have consumed alcoholic beverages, but was not under the influence of alcohol to the point she was a physical endangerment to herself or others. Occurred on 03-24-06 at 2:17 AM.
Driving While Intoxicated: A UT student was stopped after being observed stopping at four different intersections with flashing yellow lights, speeding and finally running a red light. During an investigation for driving while intoxicated, the student complained her contact lens fell out. The student looked on the ground picked-up a piece of broken auto glass and started to “put it in her eye” as if it were her contact lens. The student was found to be under the influence of an alcoholic beverage to the point she had been driving while intoxicated. Occurred on 03-24-06 at 3:40 AM.
Crime Prevention Tip: Don’t drink and drive – the least of your worries could be poking your eye out.
Number 6, (3-way tie)
JESTER WEST DORMITORY, 201 East 21st Street
Criminal Trespass Warning: A non-UT subject refused to leave the building after getting into an argument with a UT student inside the T.V. lounge. When stopped by the police officer, the subject stated that she hated all Texans and would pray for a flood. In addition to other law enforcement actions taken, the subject was issued a written criminal trespass warning and escorted from the area. Much to her chagrin, Troy Kimmel’s weather forecast for today is sunshine and 89 degrees. Occurred on 5-11-06, at 7:26 PM.
Public Intoxication: A non-UT subject, who was under the age of 21, was reported as having run through a reserved suite into the suite’s restroom to begin the most expeditious method of removing alcoholic beverages form one’s stomach. The subject was found on the restroom floor hugging her new found porcelain friend. The subject was not aware of her surroundings or the location of her shoes. The subject needed assistance with standing and walking. The subject was found to be under the influence of an alcoholic beverage to the point she was a physical endangerment to herself. Occurred on 03-31-06 at 8:38 PM.
Criminal Mischief: A UT staff member reported an unidentified subject(s) hung undergarments from the ceiling located inside a 4th floor lobby. Signs placed in the lobby provided a name of an organization responsible for the creation of the proclaimed “museum.” Later that same day, a request for subscription to the Campus Watch came in. The prefix for the e-mail address was the same as the organization listed on the signs – happy reading. Removal cost: $25.00. Reported on 03-31-06 at 8:21 AM.
Number 5, (3-way tie)
DISCH-FALK FIELD, 1300 East Martin Luther King Blvd
Burglary: Two UT students and a non-UT subject were observed climbing over the outfield fence carrying 1st, 2nd and 3rd base. Two additional unknown subjects watched as their teammates were thrown out while stealing bases and being detained by the police. The unknown teammates were last seen running home. UTPD wins 3 to 2. Occurred on: 5-21-06, at 4:15 AM.
Driving While Intoxicated: A grey Volvo was observed sitting in the drive thru lane of a local area business that was closed. The driver placed her order several times before realizing the business was closed. The officer observed that the driver would nod off while waiting. The vehicle drove off to another local area business, that was open, and once again the driver would nod off. After receiving her food the driver committed several traffic violations and was stopped by the officer. The officer detected a very strong odor of alcohol on the breath of the driver. Seven unopened cans of beer were observed on the floorboard behind the driver. The driver had bloodshot, glassy eyes and her clothes were disheveled. When asked to exit her vehicle, the driver needed to support herself on the side of her vehicle. When the officer asked the driver to submit to a Standard Field Sobriety test, the driver raised on the balls of her feet, clenched her fists and began to hyperventilate. She then asked the officer to “massage her feet” so that she could calm down. The driver refused to submit to a Standard Field Sobriety test because several of her friend and her lawyer told her not to. During the investigation, the officer was able to determine that the driver was a danger to herself and to others. The driver was taken into custody for Driving While Intoxicated. Occurred on 7-03-06, at 4:45 AM.
Driving While Intoxicated: A black Isuzu Trooper was observed traveling north in the 2100 – 2400 blocks of San Jacinto at a very high rate of speed. The vehicle would slow down at a controlled intersection but never stop. The vehicle was stopped and the officer detected a very strong odor of alcohol inside the passenger compartment of the Isuzu. The officer observed that the driver’s eyes were bloodshot and glassy. During the investigation, the driver, identified as a UT student, informed the officer that he had only consumed only 3 beers, one at his friend’s house, one at the Crown and Anchor, then two more at Maggie Mays, for a total of 3 beers. The officer administered the Standardized Field Sobriety tests. The driver was unable to pass several of the tests. These tests did not include his math pop test. The subject was taken into custody for Driving While Intoxicated and transported to Central Booking. Occurred on: 9-08-06, at 2:23 AM.
Number 4, (4-way tie)
Disorderly Conduct: A UT staff member observed an unknown subject inside a restricted area located on the 4th floor. When the unknown subject saw the staff member he raised a one-finger salute. When asked by the staff member if he was employed or enrolled at UT, the unknown subject said, “No.” When the subject was told to leave the area, the unknown subject went into a tirade of verbalization that would send a salty seaman home crying. The unknown subject left the area prior to the arrival of the officer. The subject was described as: white male, 6′-05″, thin build, stooped posture, and light brown hair. Subject was last seen wearing a dark colored shirt. Occurred on: 9-07-06, at 9:30 PM.
Consumption of Alcohol by a Minor: A UT student was observed bent over, providing alcohol-enriched fertilizer to the university owned flora (and later fauna.) When stopped, the student stated that he had consumed 6 “half shots of vodka and 2 jello shots containing tequila.” The officer had the subject define a “half shot.” The student described a shot glass filled ¾ full with alcohol. During the investigation, the officer determined that the subject was under the legal age of 21 and had been consuming alcohol. The subject was issued a field release citation for Consumption of Alcohol by a Minor. Occurred on: 9-09-06, at 2:20 AM.
BLANTON DORMITORY, 2500 University Ave.
Fraud: A UT student reported that he had made the winning bid on an online auction site for a PlayStation 3 gaming console. The student anxiously awaited the delivery and soon discovered that he had gotten into a bidding war for pictures of a PS3. Loss value: $835.00
Public Intoxication: A non-UT subject was observed holding onto a tree for support while urinating in a public place. The subject was also trying to place a telephone call on his cellular telephone; he could not understand why the call would not go through even with a dead battery. During the investigation the subject informed the officer that it was his “2, 1, birthday.” The subject also informed the officer that he had been arrested the previous week for having a fictitious driver’s license. The officer noted that the subject had a very strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his breath, bloodshot eyes, unsure balance, and needed support when walking. Occurred on: 5-20-06, at 2:45 AM.
Crime Prevention Tip: The 21st birthday, for some, is a day when one can drink legally for the first time. For others the “2, 1, birthday” makes for another night in jail.
Number 3, (tied)
Disorderly Conduct: A non-UT subject rushed past the ticket taker in an attempt to enter the Dixie Chicks concert after presenting only a backstage pass. The subject stated that she was in a hurry then unleashed a tirade of offensive language that would have had any salty sailor blushing from embarrassment. Once the subject regained control of her emotions, the officer explained to her the security protocol that was required to enter into the Center. Again the subject’s tongue unleashed a scathing tirade that displayed the shallow depth of her wordsmithing ability. During the investigation, the officer contacted the security director for the tour and the subject was released to him.
Occurred on: 12-04-06, at 8:30 PM.
ROBERT L. MOORE HALL, 2515 Speedway
Theft: An unknown female was observed removing a can of Dr. Pepper from an unsecured storage cabinet and walked away without paying for the item. The coffee shop owner yelled at the female to stop and followed her out of the building. The unknown female is described as: Asian female, 28-30 years of age, shoulder length hair, with acne. She waslast seen wearing a pink T-shirt and tan pants. Loss value: $.75. Occurred on: 9-20-06, at 12:31 PM.
ROBERT L. MOORE HALL, 2515 Speedway
Failure to Identify / Attempted Theft: UT police officers responded to
RLM on a reported suspicious person who had stolen a Dr. Pepper on 9-20-06. At the time of the theft the suspect was described as an Asian female, wearing a pink shirt and tan pants. When officers arrived, the
owner of the vending cart pointed to an Asian female wearing a pink shirt and tan pants. The owner stated that the female had attempted to take a package of “Goldfish” crackers, and got her hand caught in the cookie jar. During the investigation, the subject stated that she was a current UT student, but provided a false name and date of birth. The officers realized that the subject was not forthcoming with her correct information; she was asked to repeat her telephone number and could not remember the number that she had just given. The subject admitted that she had lied about all of her personal information. The subject was taken into custody for Failure to Identify and transported to Central Booking. Occurred on: 9-21-06, at 10:10 AM.
Number 2, (tied)
JESTER WEST DORMITORY, 201 East 21st Street
Assault on a Police Officer / Assault on a Public Servant / Assault / Public Intoxication: UT police officer responded to a second floor dormitory room on a report of a male subject banging on the door and attempting to gain entry into the room. The officers observed the subject standing in the hallway drinking a beer and talking to the on-call RA. The subject began resisting detention and attempted to leave the area. After being assisted to the ground and handcuffed, the officers discovered that the subject had assaulted the RA by groping personal areas. As the investigation continued the subject began having challenges and yelled that he was being tortured and that the officers were hurting his Miranda rights. Due to the subject’s incoherent condition Austin EMS was requested to the scene. Austin EMS stated that the subject should be transported to a local area hospital. As the officers were restraining the subject to a backboard the subject attacked an officer by biting her arm. The subject then spat bloody saliva into the face of an EMT. The subject was transported to a local area hospital. Upon release, officers transported the subject to Central Booking. Occurred on: 12-11-06, at 2:26 AM.
Public Intoxication: A blue Volkswagon was observed parked along the curb. The officer observed that all of the windows were steamed up, an indicator of strenuous physical activity, and two subjects nude from the waist down. One subject asked the officer to “wait a minute” while he got dressed. The subject emerged from the vehicle fully clothed. The second subject needed more time. The officer identified both subjects as UT staff members. The officer detected a very strong odor of alcohol on the breaths of both subjects and noted both had unsure balance and bloodshot eyes. Both subjects were taken into custody for Public Intoxication and transported to Central Booking. Occurred on: 12-09-06, at 3:24 AM.
Number 1, (tied)
Public intoxication: A UT student was discovered passed out on the grassy area next to the Animal Resource Center. The subject was wearing a green leotard outfit with his underwear worn on the outside of his leotards. The subject wore red lip stick to simulate an oversized mouth. The subject had a very strong odor of alcohol on his breath. When the officer attempted to wake him up, the subject rolled over and put a finger to his lips and made a “Shhhhhhh” sound, then rolled back over. During the investigation, the subject appeared to be confused as to where he was or who he was. He explained to the officer that he was a crocodile. He claimed that he had been at the Delta House for a party. The officer observed that the subject was having difficulty standing and maintaining his balance, as well as having difficulty answering questions. The subject was taken into custody for Public Intoxication and transported to Central Booking. Occurred on: 9-16-06, at 1:20 AM.
Criminal Mischief: As reported by a Campus Watch subscriber:
My husband and I were visiting our daughter, a UT student. As we, our daughter and 2 of her friends exited Kinsolving dorm Sat. Sept. 23 just after sunset, we saw a squirrel jump up on a bike seat and attack it. The seat was a soft one, foam covered with cloth. The squirrel ripped open the cloth in several places and used its paws to pull out the stuffing. We tried to scare it off, even throwing water on it, but it kept coming back. We couldn’t think of anything else to do to help the poor person who will have a destroyed bike seat. If you want, I could send you a picture of this perpetrator in the act of vandalism.
Criminal Mischief Suspect: Due to the increased interest by many readers in solving this crime, a photograph of the suspect was released.
One Response to “UTPD Campus Watch: Best of 2006”
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Where did you get this information & does this blog offer an RSS feed?
Clifford Swayze