Nov 032003

We attended the dedication ceremonies for UT Elementary yesterday afternoon. It included speeches from Larry Faulkner, UT President, Charles Miller, chairman of the UT Board of Regents, a UTES parent and a professor. It was also attended by Gus Garcia, Eddie Rodriguez, the UT cheerleaders, somebody dressed up in a Bevo costume and some version of the Longhorn band (those playing looked a little above college age, so I’m guessing it was an alumni version or something). The kids have been practicing some songs over the past couple of weeks and performed them after the speeches. It was all supposed to be outside, but it rained just as the ceremony was to start and it didn’t let up until halfway through. Several of the local TV stations were there, we didn’t catch the footage last night (too busy watching the new Fox season and MTV’s Sunday Stew), but there’s a mention of it here. KXAN was there, but it doesn’t look like they have stories from the weekend up on the site yet. I’ll keep an eye on their site and add a link here if it appears.

 Posted by on November 3, 2003 at 9:22 pm

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