Sep 022005

It sounds like things are improving somewhat today, but this week and the events unfolding in New Orleans are just incomprehensible. I watched two things this morning on that everyone should see and since they prudently decided to start allowing free video again, it’s possible. Two disclaimers are that you need Windows Media Player and that these are only good for a week from posting date.

  • New Orleans Mayor Nagin gives an interview unlike any other I’ve ever heard from a public official. You can read the transcript, but it’s more effective if you listen to him
  • We keep hearing about the people at the convention center and the Superdome, but who knows how many people are in this situation?

And, as usual, Rude Pundit tells it like it is. He shows us that Mr. Bill is smarter than Shrub and proposes a constitutional amendment that I can get behind.

Update with more stuff:

The BBC has some good before and after aerial shots.

This is an interesting take on the poor response of the federal government. I give it marks for originality anyway.

 Posted by on September 2, 2005 at 7:56 pm

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