The ultrasound photos of the new baby are finally posted. You’ll find them linked under The Boy in the menu. Thanks to Stepan for the use of his scanner. We’re now having heated name debates. I may put up a poll with the finalists in the near future, so be on the lookout for that.
We’re going on a hunt for a “big boy” bed and some Star Wars sheets (bribes) this weekend to get The Boy to give up the crib. We may decide just to give him The Wife’s old full bed. It’d have the benefit of clearing out the guest room to make way for the baby and we wouldn’t have to shell out the cash for a new bed for him. We haven’t decided yet.
I’m psyched to check out Insomnia after all of the good reviews it’s gotten this week. Check out Paul Tatara’s review which is linked in the “Recent Reviews” block on his database page.