Dec 302003

This story (via Slashdot) is all the evidence I need of how poorly things are going for Rollins. I suppose I should reserve judgement until we find out what’s actually on the album, but given Shatner’s last foray into music, can we really expect anything other than comedy? BTW, the album is out of print, but if you really must hear it (and everyone needs to at least once in their lifetime), you can still get the two most well-known covers on this. What would we do without Rhino to preserve such classics? I’m fairly certain that I know someone with the original CD. I think I’ll borrow it from him and rip it. Those that are interested can email me and get access to the mp3s. Or you can probably find it on one of the P2P networks, but that would be wrong.

 Posted by on December 30, 2003 at 11:34 pm

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