Nov 092004

I’ve been wanting Trackback, something you MT kids take for granted, in phpNuke for quite some time and Dan Macioce was the first one to implement it at the end of last year. I somehow got busy and missed it until this week. Well, life got in the way, he never got very far past alpha with it and then took down what he had completed. I managed to track him down and ask him if he still wanted to maintain it. He’s been gracious enough to send me the code and I added it tonight. I’d appreciate some help testing it out, so feel free to ping this post and we’ll see what happens. I still need to go through the spec for Trackback and trace through what he’s done, but I just might pick up where he left off. Stay tuned…

EDIT: I already found one spot where a template isn’t being replaced correctly in the original story link on the trackback page. I’m not sure if that’s because I’m using an older version of phpNuke or not.

 Posted by on November 9, 2004 at 5:50 am

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