Mar 312005
This one’s been repeated a few times of the last couple of days, so I thought I’d post it.
The kids were getting ready for a story just before bed. We do the story in The La’s room. We’re currently reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The Boy is digging it. The La usually just picks another book and looks at it. Eventually, she gets tired and goes to sleep, usually before I finish reading to The Boy.
Anyway, The Wife came in just before we started reading to say goodnight to the kids. As she was talking to The La, The La was standing in her crib, nudging a sippy cup of water with her foot.
The La: “That’s my water.”
The Wife: “Who knew?”
The La (after a pause): “Lily.”
The Wife (laughing): “You’re cute.”
The La: “No, I Lily.”