Nov 172002

The La still isn’t sleeping much more than three hours at a time. The Wife and I have taken to sleeping in shifts. I go to bed around 10pm and am up around 6am while she goes to bed around 1am and is up around 10 or 11am.

We’re in tire replacement hell. The Wife’s car pretty much needs an whole new set of tires while mine needed an emergency set of two this weekend. Apparently, the car was out of alignment and wore the inside of the front two tires down to the belts. I didn’t notice since it wasn’t actually pulling to the left or right. We took care of my car since it’ll be the one that we take to Dallas for Thanksgiving.

I went to see X on Friday night at Emo’s. I hadn’t ever seen them live and it was the original lineup (John Doe, Exene Cervenka, Billy Zoom and DJ Bonebrake). Mary insisted that I go since she had seen them already and who knows when or if they’ll ever come again. It was a great show they played most of their well known songs with the exception of one of my favorites, “I See Red.” Emo’s was completely packed.

 Posted by on November 17, 2002 at 9:10 pm

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