Dec 202005

No bullshit. This is it. It’s been going on for the last several years. Half of us rubber-stamped this last November, something I still can’t figure out. It’s time to quit screwing around. Bush has broken the law. He didn’t lie about a blowjob. He broke the fucking law and it doesn’t matter how much he and his staff spin it. Now’s the time to write to your congresscritter, tell them to grow some balls and demand that this shit stop.

Sean linked two posts that are worth reading on this. I saw the first from Perry E. Metzger, whose blog I just added to my must-read list, on Boing Boing earlier today. The second comes from Tony Pierce, who also deserves to be added to the must-read list.

 Posted by on December 20, 2005 at 6:13 pm

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