Aug 222003

There’s an article in yesterday’s Statesman about a small business. The interesting part is that it’s in the house where The Boy was born. The article briefly mentions that it was a “midwifery”. I’m not sure that’s a correct application of the word, but whatever. It’s not the type of store I’d typically visit, but it might be interesting to go by and see what it looks like now. Shelley had a cool tradition of putting the footprints of each baby who was born there on the wall not long after they were born. The Boy’s were on the east wall in the back bedroom. I suspect all the footprints have been painted over in the interim. I think it’s been at least one other business in between this current shop and when Shelley closed down. Visit the link now as you won’t have access to the article after Wednesday due to the Statesman’s stupid online policy.

 Posted by on August 22, 2003 at 6:53 pm

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