Jun 042004

My brother-in-law spent Memorial Day weekend with us. We took him to Cooper’s on Monday. There’re a few pictures in the Moblog to commemorate the occasion. It was gut-bustingly good as usual. Later that night, The Wife and I went to see A Perfect Circle at the Erwin Center with a few friends. They were really good, although they didn’t deviate much from the two albums of material. I think they only neglected to play two songs off of Mer de Noms and everything off of The Thirteenth Step. Maynard took the opportunity to bash both Schwarzenegger and Bush along with Clear Channel.

I finally took advantage of one of Best Buy’s ridiculous two years – no interest sales and bought a home theater package. It’s a Yamaha receiver with Klipsch speakers. I’ve been delayed in hooking it up as The Wife took mounting surround speakers on the wall as an excuse to re-paint our den. We successfully completed that yesterday, so I should have everything hooked up this weekend. I can’t wait. While buying hardware to mount the speakers, we also got a ceiling fan for The La’s room. It’s supposed to be installed next week. Now all I have to do is get some drywall and seal over the opening for our house fan which we almost never use. It just sucks the A.C. from the house into the attic which is like a furnace this time of year. Anybody have any good dry-walling tips? This’ll be my first attempt on my own. It doesn’t seem all that difficult.

I finally got around to updating the pictures of the week with a few shots from a trip to Pease Park in mid-May.

 Posted by on June 4, 2004 at 11:36 pm

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