Feb 072002

I got this gift card in the mail for Borders as part of buying a new cell phone. It was burning a hole in my pocket, so I decided to go over there yesterday and be a good consumer.

Before I went, I browsed a little at their online store (which is basically Amazon now with some different branding). I’ve been buying online for a while, but never really compared the prices with brick and mortar.

Some of the books are 40% cheaper online. The same book from the same company.

Who in their right mind would actually pay full price for a book these days? The trade-off between getting it in your grubby little hands immediately and waiting a few days to save money even WITH the cost of shipping is a no-brainer.

Most of you will say, “Duh!” and I guess I was already aware of this, but I never really THOUGHT about it and compared the prices directly.

In other news…

Dee Snider has gone respectable.

 Posted by on February 7, 2002 at 7:29 pm

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