I got two e-mails from Texas politicians today. I’ve been on John Cornyn’s mailing list for many years. I like to keep tabs on my Senator even if I didn’t vote for him and I generally don’t agree with him. I never bothered to get on Ted Cruz’s list apparently. Digging through my Gmail account, I don’t have much from Kay Bailey Hutchison either. I’m also getting e-mails from Beto O’Rourke. They’re quite a contrast. O’Rourke’s is much more personal and less tone deaf than Cornyn’s.
Here’s O’Rourke’s

Here’s Cornyn’s

My favorite thing in Cornyn’s is the small print footer that’s included in most of his recent e-mails.

I’m not sure which staffer wrote it but they need a proofreader.
“help stop the dangerous policies being pedaled by the left to oppose our president and replace our conservative Texas values”.
It’s not in Oatmeal’s 10 words but it needs to be. The phrase is “peddled”, not “pedaled”. I’m not sure how you pedal policies, but I suppose you could peddle them. Lol. Google knows:

Double Lol. Also according to my Gmail account, that footer has been in 126 e-mails from Cornyn since March 12th of this year which is the first time it appeared. His campaign used O’Rourke as a fundraising tool for most of those e-mails, particularly at the beginning of this month when he dropped out of the Democratic presidential primary and it was rumored he might join the primary race to run against Cornyn with most of the subjects of those e-mails having “BETO WATCH” in the subject.