Sep 252002

Not much posting (or anything else for that matter) lately as we’ve been in a frenzy of preparations for The La’s arrival. Read on for the gory details.

The Wife and I aren’t the best housekeepers in the world and we both tend to procrastinate, but the prospect of having a baby at home and needing more space for her has lit the proverbial fire under our butts. I’ve been tossing out stuff that’s been sitting around the house since the wedding (that’s almost 18 months ago for those keeping score).

The City of Austin has an annoying “Pay as you throw” policy, which means that if you have more trash than will fit in your official trash can, you have to buy a $2 sticker for each extra bag or they’ll charge you $4 per bag on your next bill. It’s causing me to hoard the non-perishable garbage in the garage and dole it out in each weeks collection. I think we’re overwhelmed this week though as the trash was collected yesterday and we already have filled our 90-gallon can. I’ll have to break down and buy the damn stickers.

The midwife makes her preliminary home visit this afternoon and our last birth class (hallelujah) is tonight. Extra special thanks go to all of the people who have contributed to the The Boy babysitting effort so we could attend the classes (Andy, Dave & Heather, Lacey, Stepan & Jennifer, Karin & Kevin, and Colleen). You can read Jennifer’s account of the experience on her blog. The Boy has his “sibling class” on Saturday morning. We really need another week to get ready, so I hope Lily waits until close to her due date. She’s already lasted longer than The Boy who came three weeks early.

 Posted by on September 25, 2002 at 7:12 pm

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