Mar 032008
Three things of note for those traveling to Austin in the next two weeks for SXSW.
- Weather – Looks like we’re going to have another small cold front later this week before most people arrive and then start a warming trend through the middle of next week and the start of the Music portion of SXSW. It’ll fairly cold Thursday, Friday and Saturday night, but we’ll really start warming up Sunday and into early next week, eventually reaching the high 50s at night and low 80s during the day. Those coming for Interactive will need a jacket. Those in for Music, not so much. Locally, you should watch Jim Spencer on KXAN (the NBC affiliate) or if you have access to TimeWarner cable, Burton Fitzsimmons on News8Austin, the local 24 hour news channel.
- Maps – Those using Google Maps for navigation, be careful when using the the satellite feature. Google’s satellite photos of Austin are very out of date. As near as I can tell, the ones of downtown are from late 2003 or early 2004. If you look, City Hall, the Frost Bank building and the Hilton near the Convention Center are all still under construction in those photos.
- Parties – Jeremy’s got a good map of the SXSW Interactive parties. Austin360 has a good list of the side parties for the whole festival.