Feb 212008

sxsw-music-08.jpgSXSW has released the showcase lineups and times.

Also, a reminder, the wristband drawing is now open for entries and will be open until 9am Monday morning. So now that the lineups are out, you can decide if it’s worth it to shell out for the wristband.

And as a shameless plug, my band, The Bad Rackets will be kicking things off on Wednesday night at 8pm at the Red Eyed Fly in a showcase with When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth, The Playing Favorites, Camp X-Ray, Dub Trio and Naked Raygun. I remember listening to Naked Raygun’s Throb Throb on my turntable when I was 14 or 15. I’m really psyched to be playing with them.

 Posted by on February 21, 2008 at 1:42 pm

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