I can’t remember if I mentioned it, but I’m single dad this week. The Wife’s on vacation to San Diego. As a consequence, I’ve been downtown around 3:30 the last few days collecting the kids from school/daycare and I’ve seen some interesting things.
Yesterday, as I drove down San Jacinto, I saw local filmmaker Rick Linklater walking with three or four other dudes near Fourth Street.
Today, as I came south on I-35, I noticed two guys standing on the Twelfth Street overpass. They were holding up a large sign that said, “Say no to gay marriage”. Now, everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but it’s clearly illegal to do crap like that as it creates the potential for an accident. As we all know, drivers on that stretch of I-35 don’t need any help with accidents, so, being the good citizen that I am, I called 311 and reported them. With any luck, Austin’s Finest took some time out from harassing musicians and actors and made take their opinions elsewhere.