Arlen Specter has finally grown a pair and is calling for hearings on W’s presidential power grab. The impetus was this article from the Boston Globe, calling out the massive number of signing statements that POTUS has issued and how his use of them differs from past POTUS’s. It also calls attention to the fact that W is the first president in modern history not to issue a single veto. Not one. Another sign that something’s not right. Did W have a basic government class in high school or college or was he doing lines in the bathroom or something. Here’s more on what Specter said.
Glenn Greenwald sums it up:
To recap: a Republican Senator is vowing to hold hearings because the President of the United States has embraced theories which maintain that he has the right to break the law and has, consistent with those theories, been breaking the law repeatedly and deliberately. Maybe some journalists other than Savage and The Boston Globe could tell their readers about that extremely significant fact.
Stephen Colbert got nervous laughter at the White House Correspondents dinner on Saturday because he dared to point out that the press hadn’t been doing their jobs. Of course, many on the right interpreted the nervous laughter was Colbert bombing. He wasn’t. He was right on and when somebody hits that close to home, people get uncomfortable. It’s about fucking time.
Update: More on Colbert’s performance.
[tags]stephencolbert, bush, abuse, specter, feingold, signingstatement, constitution, bostonglobe[/tags]