Jun 152006

I watched the Tonight Show last night. The sparks I anticipated didn’t appear. Carlin did a long riff when he came out. It was impressive, but ultimately unsatisfying. He made a few references to religion, bombs and a slightly incorrect version of the old european heaven and hell joke. Coulter followed him and, other than a lame joke about the first time he’d moved to the right, he and Jay both let her spout her usual crap. She made a comment about how no one who had edited or proofread the book had any problem with the 9/11 widows section or any other part for that matter.

Crooks and Liars has some post-appearance commentary and Rude Pundit is claiming that Coulters book is full of unattributed borrowing. Pharyngula has a flurry of posts on Coulter, echoing some of the bits in Crooks and Liars, mentioning the plagiarism and countering her views on evolution.

[tags]anncoulter, pharyngula, plagiarism, evolution, georgecarlin, tonightshow, jayleno[/tags]

 Posted by on June 15, 2006 at 1:07 pm

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