It’s been a busy week and it’s not going to settle down anytime soon. I went to the Emo’s 11th anniversary show featuring Turbonegro Monday night with friends. The “sphincter sparkler” was in full effect, unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view) I wasn’t fast enough with the camera to get a shot. You Turbojugend out there know what I’m talking about. The rest of you can let your imagination run wild.
I also managed to persuade Mary to let me go to the Neal Stephenson book signing this evening at Bookpeople. I picked up a copy of his new book and did manage to take a picture and post it straight from there. You’ll also notice that the moblog has been officially added to the site’s Main Menu. I need to tweak it so that it matches more closely the style of the rest of the site, but I’ll get to it eventually.
Meredith and Anne are in town this week, so Mary has been going out too. On top of that, she braved a Pre-K field trip today as a chaperone. They all rode the Capital Metro bus from school to the capital and ended up taking a tour. It sounds like it was pretty insane. If that wasn’t enough, she and Lily also attended Mateo’s first birthday party today as well.