Feb 232009

I’ve written here before about my annoyance with Blue Laws and now there’s a chance that the recession could at least start the debate about getting rid of them. News8Austin reports that there’s talk of allowing liquor sales on Sundays to increase sales tax revenue. I’m mostly annoyed at having to wait until after noon to buy beer at grocery stores, but if allowing liquor stores to sell on Sunday gets me closer to being able to buy beer on a Sunday morning grocery trip, then I’m all for it. It’s a completely ridiculous law that doesn’t have a place in 2009 or any other time for that matter. If your religious beliefs dictate that you shouldn’t have access to beer at 11:45am on a Sunday, but it’s ok at 1:59am on the same day, then you go with that, but don’t force it on me.

Eddie Rodriguez, as my state rep., I’d love to hear that you support allowing beer, wine and liquor sales on Sunday just like any other day. And while you’re at it, please support SB754.

 Posted by on February 23, 2009 at 9:04 pm

  2 Responses to “Sales on Sunday”

  1. Isn’t it interesting that the states that might refuse the Economic Stimulus Package turn to Alcohol sales (and even gambling in some instances) to increase revenue.

  2. Our governor is a complete and utter nincompoop.

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