Sep 152005

The Wife, The Boy and I got babysitting for The Girl and headed out to the big Weezer and Foo Fighters Rawk show last night at Erwin Center. I blogged it at Metroblogging (it’s also in the Austin Metblog sidebar over there on the left) which links pictures (they allowed cameras). I’ll have some crappy digital camera video up tonight along with a picture of the week update with a photo from last night’s festivities. The Boy was definitely dragging on the way to school this morning. I warned one of his teachers who said she was jealous that he got to go and she didn’t. We’ll see what reports we get when The Wife picks him up later today.

I could see people commenting on The Boy’s presence at the show. Since we were on the floor, we had to hold him up so that he could see. My arms, legs and back are paying the price today. Luckily, Andy was there to hold him part of the time and The Wife pitched in as well. Weezer kept it pretty clean. Dave Grohl, on the other hand, had me wanting to cover The Boy’s ears a few times (Earmuffs!) even though he was already wearing ear plugs. Thankfully, I think most of the comments went straight over his head. I think he really liked the Weezer show. He’s a little more familiar with them and they went on first. By halfway through the Foo Fighters, you could see that he was getting tired and a little overloaded.

 Posted by on September 15, 2005 at 6:16 pm

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