Jan 272004

For reference

None of the ROTK stuff was a surprise. I’m guessing that they’ll give it best director and best picture. If not, Lost in Translation should get one or the other. It’s certain to win for screenplay.

Bill Murray has to take the best actor, although I’ve heard a lot about Johnny Depp’s performance. Tough call there.

I’m guessing Charlize Theron for best actress. The academy loves it when beautiful actresses make themselves look crappy. I’ve heard it’s a good performance. On the other hand, Keisha Castle-Hughes was quite good and could pull an Anna Paquin.

Not having seen any of the other performances, I’ll have to go with Tim Robbins for best supporting actor. He did a good job in an otherwise overhyped movie.

I’ve got no pick on best supporting actress other than that Marcia Gay Harden absolutely shouldn’t win, her performance was crap.

 Posted by on January 27, 2004 at 8:20 pm

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