Jul 062005

We decided on Saturday to have a small July 4th party and invited our new neighbors K. and K. along with H.. We also invited M. and S. & B. who brought the twins along. I ran all over town with The La Sunday buying a grill and other supplies like a chimney starter, which I’ll never charcoal grill without again.

We broke out the wading pool to start things off. I tried out a new beer, which I recommend for the hopheads out there. A water war broke out in the late afternoon between M., armed with a hose, and kids, armed with squirt guns. If victory is gauged by a waterlogged opponent then everyone won (or lost). We ended the day with some legal fireworks at our place, choosing to avoid the crowds downtown. Hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday.

I posted some shots on Flickr, but you’ll have to be registered there and persuade me to mark you as “friends and family” before you can see them.

Besides, I know where we can bought a new baitcasting reel!

 Posted by on July 6, 2005 at 4:05 pm

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