Aug 092002

I’m becoming an expert at changing tires on The Wife’s car. We went to dinner with friends at the start of the July 4th weekend. While we were eating, The Wife mentioned that the rear tire on the driver’s side was looking a little flat. Once we finished dinner and said goodbye to the friends, I went to take a look at her car. Sure enough, it was so flat that I didn’t feel comfortable with her driving it home. I pulled the flat tire off to replace it with the spare and discovered a screw embedded in it. We spent 4th of July morning getting it repaired. Fast forward to last night, barely a month later I might add, once again at dinner, The Wife mentions that the rear tire on the passenger side is looking flat. Once again, the tire is too flat to drive and once again I have to change a tire in the hot summer evening, this time fending off potential West Nile virus carrying mosquitoes. I’ll bet you can’t guess what was in the tire this time. No, not a screw, but a nail. You were close.

There’s a new picture of the week. It’s another one from the trip to the Spam museum, but it’s new to you.

 Posted by on August 9, 2002 at 6:17 am

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