As I hinted last week, we had some major shit go down at the house last Tuesday. Somehow, our downstairs toilet clogged and then continued to overflow after The Wife and Kids left the house at 11am. They didn’t return home until roughly that evening to find water flowing out the front door. All three of the downstairs rooms (our bedroom, family room and living room) were soaked. They ripped out all of the carpet and padding from those three rooms on Wednesday and we had 3 dehumidifiers and 12 fans running constantly from Wednesday evening to this morning when we were pronounced dry and they hauled them all away. I can’t wait to see my electric bill for this month. No idea of the insurance company helps with that. I’m gonna ask.
We’re now left with concrete slab in two rooms and ugly white linoleum of an indeterminate vintage in one. My task for tonight is to use my newly bought crowbar to pull up all of the tackboard from the three rooms so we can safely walk the downstairs without shoes.
We’re supposed to get the first estimate from the insurance company today for the wall repair. For those not familar with water damage remediation, they remove your baseboards and drill 1″ holes every few feet at that level to allow for drying. In two of the rooms, we’ll just get taller baseboards to cover the holes. In the family room, which is all that lovely 70’s wood panelling, we’ll be getting all new walls. I think we’re going to replace with drywall. The adjuster thought that wall repair would come in under the deductible, so no $$ for us just yet. We’re supposed to hear from the insurance company sanctioned floor vendors today or tomorrow. There’s also some furniture that’ll have to be replaced, some that’ll be repaired, an area rug that needs to be cleaned before we decide if it’s salvageable and we’ve got some books that’ll need to be replaced as well.