Jan 122007

pizza_patron.jpgPizza Patron, a pizza chain based in Dallas, is getting some flack for their new promotion (via BoingBoing). I heard a story about this on Marketplace on Monday.

The peso promotion certainly focuses on families that may have traveled to Mexico to visit family over the holidays and may have some money leftover. It’s currently slated only to run until February. Of course, the media’s loving it as it plays into the national immigration issues and there are plenty of racist wingnuts who are willing to spout off against it. It’s an interesting idea, creating a pizza chain that focuses on a particular community. There doesn’t appear to be anything special about their pizza ingredients. They’re Spanish speaking friendly and it’s cheap. Domino’s web site is available in Spanish too though. I didn’t see that support on Papa John’s web site. How about a chorizo pizza? I’d try that.

According to their web site, Pizza Patron has 4 Austin locations. I’ve passed the Oltorf and South First location countless times over the past year and wondered what their pizza was like. It’s in the Domino’s / Papa John’s category, so I’m not expecting much. Anybody else have experience with them, positive or negative?

Their zip code search leaves something to be desired. I entered 78704 and didn’t get the location on Oltorf at South First. I realize that’s not the zip there, but it’s pretty much the same neighborhood. They must only search on exact zip codes. L-A-M-E.

I don’t give a shit who’s making the pizza as long as it tastes good. If Pizza Patron wants to take on the cost and operating overhead to run a deal like this, more power to them. It’s a global economy now. No reason why you shouldn’t be able to use the peso or euro or whatever as well. Some relatives from the UK send pound notes to us every Xmas for our kids and it’s always a pain in the ass to go get them exchanged. They’re certainly getting their money’s worth out of the deal in publicity.

 Posted by on January 12, 2007 at 11:08 am

  5 Responses to “Pizza Patron Promotion Under Fire”

  1. “I don’t give a shit who’s making the pizza as long as it tastes good.”

    lol, true that.

  2. “Some relatives from the UK send pound notes to us every Xmas for our kids and it’s always a pain in the ass to go get them exchanged.”

    Of course it is, thats why they don’t send dollars, its a pain for them too or they think it is. You might suggest they use the Post Office in the UK… works great, no charge for the currency exchange, decent rates, pretty local for most people…

  3. Hey, that is all part of capitalism . If taking other currencies makes your business hum, go for it . I remember in Mexico and Germany there were busnesses that accepted U.S. dollars, and in Washington they accept Canadian dollars when I traveled those places . It is capitalism / free market enterprise .

  4. Dammit! We just blew 570 pesos on overpriced crap at the Cancun airport. That would’ve bought a lot of pizza!

  5. Only the right-wing nuts would be against taking pesos. The pizza chain can take tadpoles for payment if they want…it is nobody’s business but their own.

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