Jan 042006

I’m not letting this go. The president has decided he’s above the law and nobody’s doing anything about it. Where are the impeachment proceedings?

Here’s yet another example where Bush thinks he’s above the law. He signed McCain’s torture bill, but with the presidential equivalent of keeping his fingers crossed while he did it. He and his administration clearly think that they know better than everyone else and you’re a freedom-hating terrorist-lover if you disagree.

I heard this on the way to work this morning, another example of the administration hurting our position more than helping.

 Posted by on January 4, 2006 at 6:59 pm

  One Response to “Pitbull to the nuts”

  1. okay, let’s say you’d like to learn about an actual political campaign to impeach the president …

    ah, none of this noise about a yearning for somebody to go do it …

    in addition, you’d like to learn about a game plan to snag Osama …

    if all the above meets with your approval, then click, somehow, on the following hyperlink:


    and get ready for a ride on a wild blog

    .he who is known as sefton

    oh, yes, the above was copied and then pasted by an actual human being, who visited your “end of silence” blog.

    oh, one more thing, keep an eye on Pennsylvania’s 10th Congressional District … I’m trying to base my campaign on the three planks I nailed together in my platform … “impeach bush” is the first plank … the second is “impeach bush” … and the third is like the second, “impeach bush”.

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