Apr 222003

I spent the majority of the weekend with The Boy and The La while The Wife OD’ed on Kriya yoga. We went to the park both Saturday morning and Sunday morning for several hours each time. The La is a big fan of the baby swing while The Boy spent most of his time on the “big kid” swing and the monkey bars. He used to be afraid of even going up the ladder, but now he’ll make it about halfway across before dropping down. The La’s first tooth is really coming in now with more on the way. She’s moving around by rocking back and forth while sitting. Sometimes she ends up rocking too far forward and doing a face plant or goes backwards and hits her head on the floor. We’ve been keeping her on the carpet with her a few pillows around her to soften the impacts. She managed to scoot herself to the coffee table and I watched close by as she tried to pull a large book down on top of herself. I kept moving her back to a safer area and she kept scooting herself back to the table, determined to give herself a concussion with that book.

I remarked to my dad that she looks like an autistic kid with all of the rocking and that triggered a memory for him. Apparently, my sister used to a similar move when she was an infant and he called it “schizo-rocking” at the time. I guess it must be a sex-linked Trentham gene as neither I nor The Boy did it. I don’t think The Wife did it either, but we haven’t asked her parents. If Mark is reading this, perhaps he can tell us if Laura ever did it?

Anyway, those looking for pictures will have to wait until the weekend. We’ll most certainly take several at Eeyore’s on Saturday. If you go back through The Boy’s picture of the week archives in late April/early May, there’s almost always an Eeyore’s picture.

 Posted by on April 22, 2003 at 2:29 am

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