Apr 142006

This is one of those times when I wonder if the media’s reporting or being used to prepare us. It’s hard not to bring out the conspiracy theories when gas companies are reporting record profits.

The Statesman reports that gas prices jumped 17 cents here in Austin with some stations already charging $2.87/gallon, up from $2.53/gallon a week ago. I stopped to get a bottle of water yesterday at a gas station on Ben White as one of the employees was heading out to change the prices on that store’s sign. I asked him if he did this daily now and he responded “Pretty much”. I tried to hang around so I could snap a camphone shot, but he went back inside and didn’t come out for longer than I wanted to wait.

I’m already scoping out bus routes between work and home. Looks like it’ll take me an hour by bus with one transfer, which is probably about twice as long as it would by car. The nearest stop is a short walk away. Taking the bus during the summer is an option because I won’t have to take The Boy to school. It also has the added benefit of keeping me from going out for lunch, another money saver.

What’re you planning to do to cope with above $3/gallon gas prices?

 Posted by on April 14, 2006 at 1:32 pm

  4 Responses to “Ow! Quit it!”

  1. The headline had me expecting an entry on tatoo removal.

  2. I salute your Simpsons knowledge, sir!

  3. Although the commute by bus is longer, it offers many advantages. You can catch up on your reading, watch people (excellent blog fodder), pretend you’re sightseeing, and generally just relax.

    I find that I feel much more part of the bustle and flow of the city when I take the bus. When I’m driving, it’s like I’m wearing armor with four wheels.

  4. No changes are contemplated; under ten gallons a month suffices to supply the household. No; there are no hybrid vehicles involved, just life within compact Austin and some judicious bus-riding and use of two feet or two wheels. It’s so unpleasant to be out and around in a motor vehicle these days.

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