Oct 082003

So, Ah-nuld is governor-elect of Kalifornia and the Red Sox and the Cubs are still in the running for the World Series. Has anyone checked the temperature in Hell lately?

On a much more personally annoying note, it appears that the presidential primaries in Texas could get bumped a week due to the redistricting fiasco. This means that it is likely that once again, the democratic nominee who will run against the Shrub will be chosen before I get a chance to have my say. The republicans will, of course, blame the delays on the democrats running to Oklahoma and New Mexico, but since they still can’t decide on their own map and they had all of that time to agree on one, I don’t think they have much of a leg to stand on. F*ing politicans.

 Posted by on October 8, 2003 at 6:13 pm

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